
Tag Archives: solid vs engineered hardwood

Quality Engineered Hardwood vs. an Engineered Rip-off

wide plank engineered hardwood walnut

What makes PurezaWood unique? Our clients and customers would be the first to say that we stress quality. And this doesn’t always come with a steep pricetag, either. Let’s compare a piece of “luxury” wide plank engineered hardwood from another brand with PurezaWood. You’re probably being over-charged for a sub-par product.

What Is Wear Layer, and Why Is It Important for Engineered Hardwood?

When it comes to engineered hardwood, there are many common misconceptions. People are either unaware of the benefits or simply hesitant to purchase engineered hardwood because of what they’ve heard, think by the name, or imagine because of the cost differences. They think that they’re buying a lesser quality hardwood, as if it were comparable […]