
Subfloor 101: Caring for Your Engineered Hardwood from the Ground Up

A quality subfloor is critical to the longevity of your new engineered hardwood. Here are the basics on this important foundation in your home.

According to the NWFA, your flooring manufacturer knows their product best — and you should trust their installation recommendations.

Control your moisture.

Not only does your wear layer (the visible part of your new hardwood) depend on moisture control, but the plywood it’s been engineered with — and, just as importantly, the subfloor itself. You may have as many as three species of wood under the surface if you’re installing a wood subfloor. As every species has different needs and requirements, follow manufacturer guidelines.

If they vary much (from one product to another), inquire with the engineered hardwood manufacturer. They’ll likely recommend somewhere in the middle — if they haven’t already made very specific recommendations as to the type of subfloor you should be using.

Plan accordingly — for your subfloor too.

The cost of your hardwood doesn’t end with those luscious wide planks. We wish it did! But installation, subfloor, and maintenance costs are necessary if you want that beauty to last (and your investment to bring returns, should you ever re-sell!).

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us. And check us out on Facebook and Instagram for more hardwood flooring inspiration and advice.

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