All PurezaWood’s unfinished hardwood flooring comes in pre-sandedThis saves the installer time and significantly reduces the amount of dust created from the last round of sanding prior to finishing., square-edgedWhen you can walk on the floor barefoot and not feel edges between the boards, or filled knot holes.
French White Oak Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring
Grading decides the percentage of floorboards with knots and other characters of the wood. Though there are four main options for grading, what you should choose comes down to personal preference. While some color variance in wood flooring is natural and to be expected, this variance proves you’re using real wood and not laminate or vinyl. Each grading option brings its own unique beauty and perfectly reflects your home’s personality.
Character grading
85% boards with knots and other characters & 15% without
Natural grading
50% boards with knots and other characters & 50% without
Select grading
15% boards with smaller knots and other characters & 85% without
Premium Select grading
100% without knots and other characters
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